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Friday, 23 May 2008


Émilie B

Hear, hear.

Tasha Vincent

Hear, hear, hear!


Keep it down! I'm trying to sleep!


And how.


I guess we were fortunate that we never brought our child into the bed to sleep with us at night. He might be mentally scarred from all the screaming, but oh well.

Last night, however, staying with family, he awoke from deep slumber on a roll-up pad on the floor and cried that seeing under the bed scared him, so he slept the remaining few hours with us in the king-sized bed.

Your post makes me feel better because I can enjoy exceptions to the norm instead of dreading a behavior pattern.

Thanks, Simon.

Moksha Gren

Little Lutine has opted to forgo her normal sleep pattern the last few nights. Much more screaming, much less slumber. I'm eagerly awaiting the return of my good nigth sleep.

Maybe in Tucson, eh?


Good luck breaking the little one's habit of climbing into bed with you.. we did it but it was tough (that was a LONG time ago!) *LOL*

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