I have worked in the field of earthworks construction for nearly nine years now. (Earthworks being generally everything from ground level and below.) Having come to this career incredibly green out of university, I was immediately overwhelmed by everything I didn't understand - not least of which was the terminology that's unique to the construction industry.
I have become rather innured to it all by now, and don't really bat an eye at the phrases that get bandied about any more. But when I pause to think about the sheer volume of double entendres that (mostly) unintentionally come through in conversation, it proves too ripe a field not to reap at least a little of the bounty.
If you have anything of your own to add, please, feel free. This is only a small sample based on what I could dredge from memory and recent experience:
"I can't finish this dump 'cause there's dirt stuck in my box."
"You'll have to run your packer through the slot a few more times."
"The hoe's in the shop waiting on a new undercarriage."
"Make sure the shaft is clean before you start the pour."
"You better grease the nipple to prevent cracks."
"We need a bigger cat in the pit to clean up the lumps the hoe is spilling."
"Take one more bite from the shaft and I'll see if it's plumb."
"If they need the hoe over there faster, then toss it on the low-boy."
"Wow. Big dyke."
"If the skin friction's too much we'll have to use the vibrator."
"Be sure to check the manhole for leaks before backfilling."
"The sand is pretty abrasive - that's why the box is so smooth."
"It's more secure because of the tongue in groove."
"We got a big rock stuck in the hole - go get the clam."
"It's sort of awkward to lay the pipe when it's bent like that."
"You'll have to use a smaller unit because of the tight access."
"We'll stop pounding once we get 20 blows to the inch."
MY FAVE??!! be sure to check the manhole for leaks before backfilling. HA HA HA You be sure to do that...
Posted by: Amy | Monday, 11 February 2008 at 12:05 PM
Oh Simon..those are precious...okay...precious isn't the right word. But they're good anyhow!
Posted by: Terri | Monday, 11 February 2008 at 05:41 PM
*LOL* Good ones Simon!
Posted by: Dave | Tuesday, 12 February 2008 at 05:35 AM
These are great! Even in my field of floppies and hard drives, ram sticks in their slots, I can't come close to any of those. (ahem)
Posted by: Mark | Wednesday, 13 February 2008 at 08:46 PM
Beware how you take away hope from another human being.
Posted by: Air Jordan | Friday, 25 February 2011 at 06:19 PM