No, seriously, it does. More about that in a moment.
I have been accused of adopting the new year's resolution to stop blogging. That's not quite true. Or I've fallen off the bandwagon after only two weeks. Either way, I feel a little more inclined to type something here.
Perhaps it was the new year peeping its head around the corner that startled me from my navel-gazing. It has been hella busy around the Fraser household the past couple weeks. There's always so much to do after Christmas. You'd think that after the holiday fervor had run its course we'd be rewarded with a little down time to regroup, take stock of our status, and plan a little for what the next eleven and a half months will bring. But no, that's nowhere near what happens. Life's unfair like that. We still have our string of Christmas cards hanging in the kitchen and are all bothered about what to do about it. Like, for example, we have to compare all those names to the names on the list of Christmas cards we sent out this year and make sure that the lists align for next year so as not to hurt any feelings and all that. And do we keep the cards that were hand-made, and the cards that weren't really cards but those adorable Christmas photos of an idyllically posed family in a pristine Christmas setting with the ubiquitous caption that reads something like, "Merry Christmas 2007 from the Smiths!"? What do we do??
It's having thoughts like this that put a crimp in our efficiency during the weeks as they sneak past. And when you have to do seven loads of laundry on the weekend, you need to insert some efficiency in there somewhere. We wouldn't have had to do so many loads, but Tavish came down with SOMETHING last week that had him ejecting whatever used to be in his stomach. Made me very happy that I put laminate in the boys' rooms rather than the cruddy carpet that used to be in there. Easier to clean. Poor kid had me and Amy up four or five times one night last week. I seem to have a stronger stomach for that sort of thing than my wife does, so I got to clean up more of the linens, but it was rather unpleasant for all involved. And it was again a couple nights later when the wee lad came back on stage for a rockin' encore.
In spite of all the fun we were having, I decided to take Sunday afternoon off and go hang out at a friend's house. A group of us was supposed to get together for a rousing game of ball hockey on an outdoor tennis court where we play infrequently, but the commitment couldn't be roused in time from enough guys, so I still went out to the erstwhile organiser's house, citing social withdrawal as the driving force. (Seriously, I don't get out much.)
After hearing about his honeymoon trip to Europe from October, we got down to the nitty gritty: Guitar Hero III. I've played a couple times before on older versions of the game, but never with the sense of commitment or single-mindedness that was evident on Sunday. We started a brand new band and went from the beginning of the game right to the end in just under four hours, on medium difficulty. We didn't play the songs that got unlocked by finishing the game; our fret fingers were getting pretty sore at that point.
My buddy's wife cooked us up some healthy, deep-fried, battered and cheesy snacks, and I also had a few beers. Combined with whatever it was may have afflicted my younger son, and then catalyzed by the beer and greasy food... well, I shan't go into the gory details, but I haven't purged like that since the horrible Oktoberfest fiasco of 2001. (Which was sort of the first date I had with the woman who is now my wife, and whom I blame for that turning into the fiasco it was but, again, this is not the place for those details.)
Some chicken noodle soup and a good long sleep later, I was feeling about 70% when I woke up Monday morning. I think I've only taken four or five sick days in the eight-plus years I've been with this company, so 70% wasn't quite enough to keep me home.
I just hope now that we've seen the end of our insides at home for the next long while. We still have more laundry to do before we're caught up.