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Friday, 26 October 2007


Jayson Merryfield

I saw the snow as well when I took the dog out this morning, and it really was something to behold, almost like the smell of the first true spring rain.

Au revoir! Have a good flight, and come back a few shades darker than when you left!


Yikes! Cuba time already??? Well, if you must go. Have a wonderful time, take pictures for us, enjoy.

No snow here yet, but frost these last few mornings, and much windshield scraping.


Have a good time!!!

Moksha Gren

Perfect timing. We're still a bit away from our first snow...but it's cold and wet, which is almost worse. Cuba sounds mighty nice to me right about now. Moonshot and I were in Florida a few years back while St Louis was being attacked by a nasty winter storm. Chatting with my friends while I sat on the beach was just sweet. But then...I can be a jerk that way ;)

Have a safe journey and a great time.

Émilie B

Snow?! (Not yet, not yet, not yet...!) Nananananananananananana *covers ears and eyes* I didn't just read this. It's fall now. It's fall now. It's ok.

Have a fun (and safe) trip.


I'm sorry. Is snow that white stuff what comes from the sky when it's colder'n a witch's teeyut?

Hey, I say we have some fun on Simon's blog while he and the missus are out painting Cuba red (ouch! Bad choice of words).


And we have a storm for you just in time!!!

Hope it is/was not too bad for you here.


Did you find the one place in Cuba where it wasn't raining? I have missed you terribly. You're the only person who comments on my blog.

The rest are a bunch of miserable slackers.

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