There was a light dusting of snow on my truck when I walked out of my house to come to work today. Nothing on the ground, nothing still falling, but the street lamps showed that every vehicle in sight huddled under a thin white shawl. I could blow it off the window as I keyed my door open.
It made me smile a little. It'll probably all be gone by the time the sun shows its face fully above the horizon, and there will be many who never saw it, but I'm glad I did. Leaving a temperate climate like this one for a more tropical destination, however briefly enjoyed, is made so much more satisfying by carrying with me the knowledge that I leave just as Winter's first real presence makes itself known. The pleasure in both leaving here and arriving there is magnified. I'm going to wear my shorts and sandals to the airport, no matter what the weather's like.
Our plane is "wheels up" for Cuba at 8 AM tomorrow morning. See y'all in a week!
I saw the snow as well when I took the dog out this morning, and it really was something to behold, almost like the smell of the first true spring rain.
Au revoir! Have a good flight, and come back a few shades darker than when you left!
Posted by: Jayson Merryfield | Friday, 26 October 2007 at 07:46 AM
Yikes! Cuba time already??? Well, if you must go. Have a wonderful time, take pictures for us, enjoy.
No snow here yet, but frost these last few mornings, and much windshield scraping.
Posted by: marian | Friday, 26 October 2007 at 07:55 AM
Have a good time!!!
Posted by: Tasha | Friday, 26 October 2007 at 08:12 AM
Perfect timing. We're still a bit away from our first snow...but it's cold and wet, which is almost worse. Cuba sounds mighty nice to me right about now. Moonshot and I were in Florida a few years back while St Louis was being attacked by a nasty winter storm. Chatting with my friends while I sat on the beach was just sweet. But then...I can be a jerk that way ;)
Have a safe journey and a great time.
Posted by: Moksha Gren | Friday, 26 October 2007 at 09:49 AM
Snow?! (Not yet, not yet, not yet...!) Nananananananananananana *covers ears and eyes* I didn't just read this. It's fall now. It's fall now. It's ok.
Have a fun (and safe) trip.
Posted by: Émilie B | Saturday, 27 October 2007 at 09:23 PM
I'm sorry. Is snow that white stuff what comes from the sky when it's colder'n a witch's teeyut?
Hey, I say we have some fun on Simon's blog while he and the missus are out painting Cuba red (ouch! Bad choice of words).
Posted by: Mark | Monday, 29 October 2007 at 07:48 PM
And we have a storm for you just in time!!!
Hope it is/was not too bad for you here.
Posted by: BOB | Thursday, 01 November 2007 at 08:01 AM
Did you find the one place in Cuba where it wasn't raining? I have missed you terribly. You're the only person who comments on my blog.
The rest are a bunch of miserable slackers.
Posted by: marian | Thursday, 01 November 2007 at 12:58 PM