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Monday, 25 June 2007



One word -- Crocs!!!

Okay, so I always have more than one word. Sounds like a heavenly time. I fear our upcoming vacation with my folks and my brother and his little family won't be quite the relaxing time.

But, there's always hope! At the very least, I too will bring home lots of pictures.

No images of meticulously manicured national borders, but pictures nonetheless.

Moksha Gren

I forgive your lack of creativity...but only because your kids are so cute. It really is shameful they way you use them ;)

Love the drinking fountain picture and (whoop...Norah's awake. Talk again soon)


I might say this everytime you post pictures of the boys, but they are getting so darn big! And cuter by the second it looks like...

Glad you all had such a great vacation!

Émilie B

Double treat! with you and Amy both posting kids pics! :D

I like best the first one, the fountain one and the Declan with lake one, but that's not to say the other ones are not totally cute! Glad to see so much family vacation good time. Ours is coming up next week...!!

Jayson Merryfield

Methinks Declan is having deep, dark thoughts in that particular picture. Either that or he's quite exaperated with the number of pictures he's been forced to pose for. My bet is with the former.


Mark, I can't believe how prolific those Crocs are among, well, everybody! I refuse to buy any and will stick to my lovely Birkenstocks. Leather and cork and rubber, oh my! Have fun on your own vacations.

Moksha, your forgiveness is as a soothing balm to my inner turmoil. Well, not really. And it is shameful how I use my boys, so it's a good thing that I'm a generally shameless person.

Tal, you might always say it, but I never tire of hearing it. So you know.

Émy, the fact that Amy and I posted pics on the same day was entirely by accident. We don't normally even speak when at home together and only communicate by steely glares and tersely written notes. What a coincidence!

Jayson, I think Dex's deep, dark thoughts may have something to do with his exasperation. You're on to something there.


Makes me want to go on a vacation ASAP! I need to get away!

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