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Thursday, 24 May 2007



Wonderful use of the SW quote this time. How many have you used thus far? Not as many as I had hoped, but life with two little 'uns trumps all.

Anywho, on the Jorge thing. I wish he could experience a Canadian winter before bringing his family over there. The sensation of extreme weather is impossible to impart to someone who's never experienced it.

I also wish that folks would respect the fact that he is not George. That would completely suck.

My company's still growing fast, too. If he doesn't like it that cold, tell him to look us up. Down here in Texas, we know exactly how to pronounce Jorge.

Moksha Gren

I feel so sorry for Jorge. Suckered into Edmonton during the warm months where they mispronouce his name and quietly wait for his tauntaun to freeze.

Mark - Personally, I don't think Si's kids have anything to do with his slow down in posting. I think he just can't come up with enough good Star Wars quotes. ;)


Burn! I can't wait for you to be proved wrong Moksha! Heh.

Poor Jorge. Do people really call him George? I'll bet you make the effort. Although I have to say that there is something to having a name that people can't butcher...

p.s. You're joking about the tires, right? Because seriously, that's not funny. I thought Ontario winetrs were crappy...


I don't think that tire thing is supposed to happen if you have winter tires...


it is just to horrible to contemplate even for a joke.....

and yeah, we know how to pronounce Jesus and Jorge down here


Mark, your insight serves you well regarding the kids and their concomitant distractions. Throw in a garage sale (and another one this weekend with our un-sold stuff trucked over to a friend's) and time disappears faster than chocolate covered almonds when placed in front of me.

Moksha, I recognise your empty taunt for what it is, and refuse to rise to the bait. You stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerfherder!

Tal, sorry, not joking. Square tires are a common occurrence.

fv, I'm pretty sure you're right, but I know most folks around here don't make the semi-annual switch with their tires (though many do), and so tire-thumping continues apace.

BOB, the disparity between Alberta and Florida is truly massive. Interesting that so many folks here vacation and/or retire there.


I vote for Mark's comment.(Since I always seem to get here late and everyone has said what I would have, from now on maybe I'll just cast my vote for the comment that best echoes my sentiments. Or try to get here sooner...)

Mokker, you gonna take that? I bet you could kick his ass with your pirate patch on and the other eye closed. ;-)

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