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Wednesday, 18 April 2007



Weren't you supposed to use a pic with Paula's kids?? Um Si, those are your kids, that isn't going to get you any more votes. You are really pretty in drag.


You had my vote at 'hello', Simon, but it's always fun wielding my considerable power.


I love the kissing booth costume. Classic!


*laughs with much hilarity*

Whilst perusing this post, Mike walked by and commented that he recognized the latter two pics. I told him I was going to comment "Hmmm, and I just happen to have three bucks in my pocket"....and you know what he says???

"And that's Canadian dollars so it's a bargain."!!!


Excellent pictures. I'll vote for you. You are definitely hawt!


Actual conversation Wednesday night:

Wife: How do I find Simon on this site so I can vote for him?

Me: I think he's on the second page and has about 15 or 18 votes. I think you have to register to vote.

Wife: Oh.

Me: So, why wouldn't you vote for me?

Wife: You're not on here.

Me: I'm pretty sure you could nominate me.

Wife: (rapid typing)

Me: Okay, then. Ben and I are going outside.


Love the pictures...and you look better as a redhead than I do!


Dude, that's totally Kitchener!


Dude, deja vu!!

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