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Wednesday, 25 April 2007



Thanks Si. I think today's post will probably freak people out, but I'm aiming for total honesty about my process, so there you have it.

Now I'll go check out the other four!


Well, I am honored. I do think that was an obligatory vote though. I think you owe a HUGE apology to Mark for not putting him in the spot you gave me. His blog is way more interesting than mine. ( a little hot under the collar Si?)

Émilie B

I raised my eyebrows when I saw my name on there (isn't it supposed to be blogs that make you think?) and then went 'lol' when I got to "Provence". Ah, life in France...

And now you've gone and exposed my attempt at converting the masses to bilingualism! Like a devout manse in a new land, bible in hand... except, you know, this is virtual ground and all I got's a keyboard.

Still, I'm honoured. I usually resist chain-email things, but I think I might go ahead with this little exercise - even without the threat of great misfortunes over my head.


No prob, Ames (I hope people call you that sometimes. If not, then just ignore it and roll your eyes or something appropriately dismissive and disapproving). I didn't include the guy who nominated me, because I figured it went without saying that the feeling was mutual.

Your blog makes me think. How can it not when you come out and ask direct questions?


Oh, dear me! And here I am getting a job, and slacking off on the whole blogging thing. Also, AOHell has censored me (again), and deleted the hemeopathy post I recently referred back to. Someone couldn't take the light.


I just wanted to add that, if I am not mistaken, you are still the only person to have ever slept on that futon.

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