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Tuesday, 16 January 2007



Well you did it Simon. You made me cry.

Family is such a special thing, many take it for granted, as I have been lately. You've made me see the light Simon. Will be seeing my grandmothers very soon.

Moksha Gren

Really a beautiful story. It's easy to tell an exciting tale, an "eventful" tale. It's harder to express the subtleties that create the truly meaningful moments. Well done. And you even managed to work in a curling references. Well played, skip.


I did seem to feel particularly bolstered Saturday evening for some reason.


Very heartwarming. Sounds like you could have used some of that warming on the exterior, though.

Now I understand why you refuse to own a vehicle with the gas cap on the passenger's side -- the driver would freeze to death in the time it takes to walk around to the other side of the vehicle and back (I assume there's no possible way you stand out there the entire time the fuel is pumping).

Back to family. It bothers me that my only remaining grandparent lives six hours' drive away, and that he's so deaf he's never heard and never will hear any of his great-grandchildren's voices (he has five now). It's great that your grandmother can talk to your boys.

A surprise visit is a great idea, Simon. Thanks.


Terri, the importance of family is driven further home each time I trip east. I sigh.

Moksha, it's the emotion of the weekend I wanted to try to capture. The actual events were secondary at best. Just spending time there was all we needed.

Paul, I still am.

Mark, you're wrong about the fuel pumping. It's a matter of stubborn western pride to stand by the fuel nozzle with one arm flung casually over the box of your truck and a sneer on your face that says, "Cold? This ain't fuckin' cold -- I shoulda worn shorts today fer chrissake!"


No one will understand this but you Si and there's no need to explain it but you've now earned the status of Peanut Butter Fudge and a week at the beach. Best part is, you can go on remembering the feeling until you're very, very old. Put the pictures somewhere familiar so the kids will grow up knowing the importance of the occasion. Gram will surely want copies...
Thanks for sharing this with us. It's hard to type blinking tears you know.


Beautifully written, Simon. I'm completely boggled by the fact that the boys behaved well the whole time, though. That's the most other-worldly aspect of the entire story! Must be a guy thing.


Marian, you would NOT have believed how completely content those two boys were, so much so that there was a THREE HOUR restaurant lunch. Those boys sure know how to boost some bolstering. Of friendships and family.

Moksha Gren

I don't have much to say this morning that hasn't already been said. However, I wanted to keep the dialogue going as a way of supporting the very valid reason you skipped posting last night.

So, I'll add that I too have an egg. My Great-Great Aunt Ethel bought these expensive glass paperweight eggy things a few years before she died. Spent a fortune on getting one for each family member as a keepsake. We all kind of mocked her at the time but now...I'll be damned if I don't think of Ethel everytime I see that egg in my china hutch. The incredible in-edible egg, eh?


Thanks, Moksha, for wanting to keep the impetus going, and for seeing through the not-so-subtle subtleties I left in that comment over at Mark's place.

My own egg, too, is in the china hutch, resting contentedly in the silver quaiche (Scottish drinking bowl) also stored behind the glass doors. I think my eyes and hands will be returning to it often.

Linda, I appreciate the peanut butter and the week at the beach. Yes, I know exactly what that implies and I appreciate it. I'll try to live up to it.

Marian, I think the boys behaving well was largely a guy thing. Dex is totally a daddy's boy, much to his mother's consternation and Tavish does seem to settle down some when confined by confident arms. By the time we'd been east for three days, the little guy couldn't be out of eyeshot of me else he'd start raising the roof.

Paula, VERY glad that the young lads helped catalyze what bolstering we were able to do. Thanks for making the drive.

Moksha Gren

Always happy to help.
A quaiche, eh? Can't say I have one of those. However, I may have to be diving into Scottish heritage. Moonshot's mother's side is Scottish. They've traced the lineage back, but Moonshot's never really been interested. Since Norah was born, however, it seems to matter more to her. We're planning to start looking back and seeing what we can find. So maybe Norah and Tavish can compare plaids in later years.


Good on ya', Simon. One of my most priceless posessions is the small collection of photos of myself, my father, my grandfather, and great-grandfather all in one shot. Thankfully I've been able to be in some four-gen shots with my own offspring. Your boys may never KNOW her, but they'll never forget her.

Glad you're home safe. I'll have to send some Tim Tam's so ya'll can warm up.

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