We've not really been up to much that could be called exciting lately, and so our camera hasn't gotten as much exercise as it used to. It regularly sits right on top of the television, poised for when one or both of the boys do something note-worthy and we can run and grab it just in time to miss the whole thing.
So instead of the Fraser family engaged in earth-shattering and/or hilarious predicaments, I'm posting a few pictures of us ensconced in our natural habitat. Though I think there's something to be said for being able to find the earth-shattering in the everyday.
Tavish in the bath tub, gnawing on whatever he can get his hands on. He's past nine months and we're still waiting for him to cut his first tooth. (Amy's niece Amanda - BANDA! - was 14 months before she got her first one, so maybe Tav's going that route.) This picture also raises a bit of a quandary: at what age does it cease being cute for your belly to rest contently on your upper thighs? All I know is that it's more than 9 months, less than 32 years.
Dex caught fast asleep on the sofa.
It's so awesome to be able to put the wee baby down in the middle of the living room, surrounded by totally non-swallowable toys, walk away for a couple minutes, return and NOT have to clean up whatever he just puked up. I have a hard time describing that feeling. It's so... awesome.
Dex and Tav both take to their Uncle Buster like moths to the flame or monkeys to poo.
A couple Saturdays ago just before we left to take the kids to my company's kids' Christmas party.
Dex is all, like, waiting for the phone call from GQ, you know?
Dex came close to outscoring me in one of our bowling games that afternoon. Maybe I should have used the ramp. Or a lighter ball. Or maybe I just shouldn't have sucked. Is it bad when you don't even break 100?
All Tavish needed for over an hour was a steady supply of our pizza crusts. The pizza itself REALLY sucked. In fact, the whole party was fairly disappointing compared to previous years. Everybody just showed up, bowled on reserved lanes, ate crappy food and took free video game tokens to the arcade section of the place. Did our own thing. There was no Santa nor attempt at interactive type stuff.
Dex coppin' a little attitude.
The armbands are courtesy of a few moments' distraction and an uncle who should have been supervised. I don't know how they make these stick-on tattoos these days, but they last for frikkin' weeks! Nearly a month now and they're still going strong.
Dex is sort of making an argument for the case of keeping our dogs.
I love the perspective in this one. Farley, on the far couch, looks like a tiny Boxer intent on Dex's artistry when she's just distracted by something behind the couch. Magnetic types of erasable drawing surfaces are absolutely the BEST! That and the upright chalkboard we have get quite a workout. I only lament that Son Number One is showing a right-handed tendency. I still love him.
Sunday night setting up our Christmas tree. Finally! At least one of the screws in the base has the threads stripped, so it may be the last year for this beastie. The swirlie - artsie - thingie on the wall was a wedding present from Uncle Buster. (Though over a year after the wedding.) The things he can do with steel are pretty damn awesome.
Amy gives me a hard time every time I wear that T-shirt because I got it and one similar from an ex-girlfriend. But then Aim always adds they're some of her favourite shirts of mine. Wimmin.
Okay, we just took our kids bowling and that ramp thing would have been so very helpful! I have never seen that before.
And yes, magnetic drawing boards are the bomb. Both my kids love their Magnadoodles and will play with them happily for hours.
Diva is a righty but JJ uses both hands still. Still haven't figured him out, and he's three.
Posted by: TerriTorial | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 05:53 AM
Those ramps haven't caught on down here in the U.S. Instead, we have tiny fences that pop up to keep the ball from falling into the gutter. Of course, some adults use those!
I'm with you on the bowling skills. Breaking 100 is a goal for me, and not always reached.
That's a great pic, by the way.
I'm amazed that Farley managed her way into so many shots, but Jango's MIA. You didn't finally kick that dog a little *too* hard, did you?
Posted by: Mark | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 07:42 AM
Mark, no dog kicking should be inferred from this post. (Nor did any transpire.) Those bowling lanes also have the 'gutter guards', but we were on a lane without. I bowled a 140 during a practice game, but I'm claiming a sore wrist from inexperience as my excuse for the golf score I posted during the actual game.
Posted by: Simon | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 10:02 AM
These a great pictures, Si. And even better since they are just "slice o' life" stuff. I can't believe how blue Tav's eyes are. Stunning. And Dex is outrageously cute cuddled up with Farely.
Sorry I took so long to swing by and give the pictures their just acolades...but this general is in the midst of battle, baby! Gotta run.
Posted by: Moksha Gren | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 12:12 PM
I La-La-Love these pictures. The first one, Tav looks just like Amy. Second, I can't get enough of that smattering of gold peach fuzz around Dex's hairline. Three,
Amy again. I can't get over how Tav has "filled out". Lordy. Dex's coat is adorable and I love how intent he looks with the Magna Doodle. Thanks for sharing Home With the Frasers, Simon :-)
Posted by: Linda | Tuesday, 19 December 2006 at 02:32 PM
It's been ages since I've dropped by and this photo essay post was all I needed to catch up with your wonderful family. The boys are such handsome lads and we will have to introduce them to Sophie and Hattie one day. The boxer is a "she" so must be kept to add some extra estrogen to the household. The tatoos are a neverending story ... our girls have them and I think they are indelible, the gift that keeps on giving. The t-shirt is cute but I like the one you modeled for Jenn's blog better :>)
Have a warm and wonderful holiday season!
Hugs, the Mater xxoo
Posted by: the Mater | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 05:43 AM
These are all wonderful. I especially love the one of the boys on the couch with Uncle Buster.
Posted by: marian | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 09:38 AM
Si, I left you a little note over at Ju's.
I don't know how to make this a link, but that's probly a good thing... ;-)
Posted by: Linda | Wednesday, 20 December 2006 at 08:04 PM