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Tuesday, 12 September 2006



"Making ourselves masters of the English language is all very proper, but we ought not to carry our compliance too far."

Anonymous contributor to The Scots Magazine, 1762

Cheeseburger Brown

I recall being charmed by my daughter, two years old at the time, when one evening she curled up on me and put her ear to my belly.

"Itsa makine noise, Papa."

"Yeah. What do you think that noise is?"

"Itsa yo food gettine squished up and goine around and round."

"Really? Who told you that?"

"I don't know."

"Why is the food going around and around?"

"It's turning into poo, and then it goes in the grass."

"Actually, I use the potty. Only the dogs use the grass."

"How come?"

"I find squatting hard on my thighs."

Cheeseburger Brown


That's good stuff, but I'm a little saddened that Dex no longer calls birds "boobies."

CBB - Come on, we know how you go potty out there in the country.


I think maybe we're talking about breaking one of The Commandments here, but I'm not exactly sure which one...
This reminds me of my favorite joke involving the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who lays awake all night wondering if there really is a dog...

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