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Tuesday, 06 June 2006



To make a happy fireside clime
To weans and wife,
That's the true pathos and sublime
Of human life.

A great post, Simon. I'll be hoping for sinister developments for Tavish.


Simon, delightful post. Max was also grand champion puker. All the best ones are. He had quite a projectile thing going there too for a while, but one forgets all that pretty quickly. We had spit rags everywhere, but as you say, you can't get it all. I imagine the dogs don't mind. Yeah, nothing like that warm little body in your arms.

Great photos, too.


Adorable little man and if you ask me, he looks quite mischievious. You'll have fun with that little man. I think he's going to be quite the character!


What a distinctive hairline he has.

I didn't know they were 22 months apart. My brother and I are 22 months apart, to the day. I always knew my big brother had my back, no matter how much he teased me at home.

Your little guys will be very glad they had each other growing up.

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