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Thursday, 04 May 2006



Si, one of the many reasons I derive so much pleasure reading your (hate to call it a blog, it's so much more than that)um, writing, is that your skills often challenge my brain. However, in this instance, paragraph 5 under P.T.E. went directly and swiftly over my head. Please simplify... And why were you pissed setting off fireworks? Did I miss something?


In paragraph 5 I am trying to say, without being obvious about it, that I may have been a little light-fingered at my place of employ. And I was pissed because I was at the end of a camping trip with a high school friend. There's nothing quite like two 18 year olds out in the mountains, getting drunk and lighting off fire works.


Over-metabolized. That's a good one. Your tale right now is especially poignant for me because our son is 18 and these are exactly the types of jobs that are available to him. Luckily he has a pretty good one at the moment, mopping up fish guts.


First jobs. As a friend's Scottish mother used to say, "if it isn't bugs, it's reek."

Perhaps the only thing quite like two 18-year olds up in the mountains getting drunk and lighting off fireworks are two 18-year olds anchored out on a sloop with beer and an antiquated 12 guage flare gun and a pile of equally superannuated flares....

It's a kind of luxury to come back from a road trip to find a raft of Simian tales an ell long to read.


I went from being a "student helper" at a medical symposium company (where I spent most days either packing bags or binding syllabi) to being a cashier at a burrito place to being a receptionist at a law firm. At the law firm I actually worked my way up to "legal secretary" (I did not have any actual education in law) over a two year period. Then I got pregnant and discovered the price of child care. I've been home ever since Nick was born.

I think the worst part of my first job (with the medical symposium company) was that my boss would decide to smoke in her office which would throw me into an asthma attack. Reading your stories makes my resume seem so bland. *sigh*


I am so looking forward to your chapter on the summer/fall at GESL. How many holes was that?
Regardless, this is a valuable diary of the work ethic of the Fraser clan, for future generations. Two of whom currently reside at your address.

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