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Monday, 17 April 2006



Very eloquent and interesting read, Wunder. In my world, rosy and naive it may be (but I'm pretty happy here) people are people, not colors or ethnicities nor even genders sometimes. I never knew a single Canuck in my life before last November and the three that I know now I love and cherish as dear friends. I wouldn't care where any of you hailed from. But I do love making fun of your "English". But I also make fun of Southerners from the Us. And New Yawkuz as well. You're welcome to make fun of me too.
(Had to look up "ebullient", thought it was Canadian English ;-) Thanks for the compliment.


Simon I was really hoping that Rick might get some work done today but obviously you have other plans for him. Thanks a bunch.

When Max went to France for 3 weeks as a high school sophomore, Rick gave him a little maple-leaf pin to wear on his lapel, eh. A bit of subtle subterfuge.

Max had a wonderful experience in France. He came home saying "I LOVE the French! They don't give a shit about ANYTHING!" And we'll never know if it was being faux-Canadian made it so.


Well writ, Simon, you silver-keyboarded devil. Your expository paragraph on "Eh" alone is worth the price of admission.

Now back to work, for a bit anyway.


Yes, a great read. Hilarious paragraph on the Canadian man's offer to fix his wife up with an old acquaintance.

Perhaps I bely the Texas stereotypes because I'm a recent transplant from Arkansas. We won't even touch the stereotypes that brings to mind. I'll just say that, for a long time, Arkansas' motto has been, "Thank God for Mississippi."

I am glad to live in the U.S., but I expect I could be very happy in any number of countries. I am amazed at how the U.S. came to be a nation (and now quite intrigued at Canada's origin). Nevertheless, I feel discontent regarding our country's current path, and get concerned when supposed patriots persecute anybody who questions our government's actions. If you want to dictate how people think and feel, then we have no place for you.

I could go on and on about how the U.S. as a whole (a hole?) places far too much importance on the entertainment and sports industries (lines getting blurrier every day), or how the education system is too touchy-feely to prepare kids for the working world. A customer or a boss will neither grade you on a curve nor give you projects for extra credit. Whether we like or dislike American economic and governmental systems, we must give youngsters both the tools to succeed and the freedom to effect change.

So, back to the original topic. There are jerks in every crowd, whether in the local stamp club or an entire country. They tend to be the loudest and, therefore, the template by which that group is judged. I will not judge Canada by her jerks, and I hope readers will give the U.S.A. the same consideration.


Mark, I laughed at reading Arkansas' presumably unofficial motto. I have an "Homage to the South" video clip I'll have to share with you.

And I would just LOVE to see a stamp collector jerk. That would be a funny man!


Let me add my kudos on your post Simon--you're no hoser. What impresses me the most is that you still have time and energy for such long and thoughtful comments.

There's something I've always found interesting about the spelling differnces (because I know so much when it comes to spelling of course ;). During a summer job I had for a couple years when I was typing up newspaper articles from the 19th century I discovered that, in Nova Scotia at least, Canadian newspapers used to use the American spelling of words (no adding that extra "u.") And this was a time when Canada's ties to Briton were extremely strong. Yet now, even though we're much more tied to the United States, we of course don't use the American spelling. I wonder when the chagne happened.


p.s.: Thanks for calling me a "deracinated Georgian Peach" but I moved to Texas, remember? ;)


Alec, of course, has determined to create a new system of Canadian spelling that bears no ties to either the British or the American, and to slip the new words in gradually so we never notice the "chagne."

- Tamara


Perhaps "chagne" is a halfway point in melding Canadian English with Canadian French....


I just like Alec's 'differnces', or is that Texas talk? ;)


Alec, the rest of the commenters have picked on your spelling far more than I would have; you must be truly loved for such gentle jibes! Especially that wife of yours. I totally missed that one, Tamara!

And I kinda like the term 'Hoser'.

But since you're obviously not the deracinated Georgian Peach, would you then be the deracinated Scotian Screech? Or is that fine beverage restricted to The Rock?


Alright then Simon. You're a hoser and a knob (the Canadian version of "officer and a gentleman"?)

p.s.: I mentioned to my wife how you have as good a...what's the word?...you know...when you gots lots of words...vocaba something or other...as she does, even using "deracinated" in a sentence. To which she looks at me confused but serious, saying "well, it's intuitive isn't it?"

Of course, this is the same lady who used 'defenestration' in a conversation with the other day (please don't ask why she needed to throw that particular word at me!)





Alec, thanks for the word "defenestration." Usually I think of Asian languages when a single word stands for such a specific action. I love it.


So, my browser opened up to Yahoo Canada, and there in the news section, one on top of the other, were two headlines which perhaps sum up the Canada/America difference:

Bush refuses to rule out nuclear strike on Iran

Harper says he'd rather be a hockey player

Given recent conversations here, the unexpected headline line-up gave me a laugh. (which isn't my typical reaction to headlines that include the words nurclear strike or Harper)



Looking at my most recent typo, I can now picture even Homer saying as he looks sagely down upon me: "it's pronounced 'nuc-le-ar.'"


I must be getting innured to you, Alec. Either that, or I was laughing too hard at the combination of those two headlines.

That really does sum it up, doesn't it?


Thanks for an interesting entry. Whenever I go back home to Toronto for a visit ( funny that I would say 'home' .... I've lived in California since I was five ) I always enjoy discussing with my relatives there, what the prevailing thoughts are about their neighbors south of the border. You've done a great job of summing up their expressed opinions. Tina

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