Courtesy of a news article forwarded to me last week, I have been made aware of a delightful new form of poetry: Fibonacci poems. The syllables of each line follow the Fibonacci sequence of numbers where the next number is the sum of the previous two.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...
Here, then, is my previous post encapsulated in a more succinct (and geekier!) summary:
All 'round
The entire
Goddamn bedroom and
Toddler awakes unwontedly
Laundry, dishes lead to A History of Violence.
Most excellently done.
Posted by: Paul | Monday, 24 April 2006 at 10:54 AM
Dirty dishes and laundry usually make me want to be violent!!!!!
Very funny Simon!
Cute pic on your home page..
Looks like your toddler is trying to pick you newborns nose, or maybe feed him a pacifier?
Have a great day hickory hand!
Posted by: Deb | Monday, 24 April 2006 at 02:09 PM
You know...some people are so geeky that they manage to achieve a higher level of Cool. I really think that You've managed to do that. Congratulations!
Oh, and as for Declans debris problem...he may be afraid of it, but Mary is enraged by it. Pinecones make her shriek with fury. Kids are so strange.
Posted by: Edmonton Jenn | Monday, 24 April 2006 at 06:10 PM
Mixing math with something I like... I guess sometimes the end can justify the means. Sometimes.
Posted by: Mark | Monday, 24 April 2006 at 10:08 PM
Have a gift
Real life poetry
Where on earth do you find the time?
With an infant and a toddler, don't you have to work?
Posted by: Jim (of Brazil) | Tuesday, 25 April 2006 at 05:52 AM
Loved that comment, Jim. It's not that I don't have to work; more like I have chosen to eschew sleep.
Posted by: Simon | Tuesday, 25 April 2006 at 06:19 AM
Hate to rain on your Fibonacci parade, but...
"1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13"
"Poo" 1 syllable
"Spews" 1 syllable
"All over" 3 syllables
"The entire" 3 syllables
Third line should have had 2 syllables. So, I guess it's a FiboNOTci poem.
Posted by: DarkoV | Wednesday, 26 April 2006 at 01:18 PM
I would have just lost the "All." I tried a couple. They're here: (not cowboy poetry).
Posted by: Paul | Wednesday, 26 April 2006 at 03:22 PM
Let me quickly point out that my two boys and I were NEVER part of something like you describe. Noooooooo. Neat, clean diapers and, of course, potty trained by 1. Seriously. Yup. No fibbing on my part... but nice Fibbing on yours. Fib on!
Posted by: Gregory K. | Thursday, 27 April 2006 at 10:44 PM
to write
a fibonacci
challenges you to think before
putting pen to paper. That is why I love the style.
© Jim T. Henriksen
September 6th, 2006
Posted by: Starhiker | Tuesday, 05 September 2006 at 05:56 PM
Phi (Fibonacci)
is a
to all too many,
never understanding it all,
maybe Fibonacci poetry is the key, as
it shows the reader how the lines are phi (1.618) times longer than the last.
© Jim T. Henriksen
September 6th, 2006
Posted by: Starhiker | Wednesday, 06 September 2006 at 09:27 PM
Hi, I believe that the fibonacci poetry is really a very natural form of rithmics so it sounds great and flows easily while reading.
Anyway, why don you try to put some rhymes in the poem, that would be really neat. Like, making all the last fibonacci sylabes in the line be tonic (or strong, i don't know how you call it in english) and with consonant rhyme.
By the way, from my point of view, the first line only shoulb be of one sylabe, the second, inmediately of 2, that sounds more natural, and in the series, the first two ones are arbitrary but not obtained as the rest of the numbers.
Who am I?
I want to lay low.
So I guess I'll just say goodbye.
Posted by: Me | Monday, 19 February 2007 at 09:29 AM
can you meke a poetry fibonacci for me please it's for tomorow !
Posted by: daph18 | Thursday, 01 May 2008 at 12:08 PM