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Friday, 28 April 2006



Love the generations picture.

The "pull" section reminds me of a picture of Ben pulling his grammy out of a tight spot. I'll have to dig up that pic and use it soon.

I'm sure Declan's debilitating dread of detritus is just a phase.

Have a great weekend, Canuck!


Yes, young Declan has a long way to go and lots to experience ahead of him. I am sure that he will do well due to the fine guidance of two exceptional parents. Keep up the good work you two.


Poor brave Declan. There are so many bits and pieces in the world and how can we ever be sure they'll cooperate? As you know, Max went through his own OCD phases, and many kids do. It's a bit unsettling, or in our case heartbreakingly frustrating, but love and time work wonders.

Oh and the leggo/strawberries thing? It's my experience that kids hate it when one food group touches another food group. They're like that from two until they're about 11. It's great fun!

Looking forward to your next video!


I'm still like that.

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