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Thursday, 09 March 2006



That is a pretty name. I have heard many girls' names I just love. We're hoping number two (no, there's no gestation going on yet) will be a girl. Knowing what young boys think of young girls, I'm terrified of bringing up a girl. *Gulp*

Jim (of Brazil)

Never say Never, dude!

Seriously ... for the first couple of years after #2 was born, we both SWORE we would never have another (especially during the first 4 months: #2 was a "cryer").

Then something happens: you forget all of the tribulations ... and start thinking, "They are so cute! is this it? Are we really done?" And there was always a chance of having a girl (you already have, after all, a name!). I doubt anyone, *ever* in history, has thought during the first weeks after a birth, "wow, I can't wait to have another!"

Of course, after the third, we again swore ... but we decided to leave no chance for dual insanity and took preventative (surgical) measures!

Jim (of Brazil)

Besides, Tessa Erin is such a nice sounding name!

There's always adoption ...


You mentioned your girl choice on my blog and I must say I Love it! Even more so that my sister's name is Erin. Emailing her right now to tell her!


Very pretty name. I'm tring to picture Dex as a girl, she'd be adorable! As Tavish is... I like the new picture up there, you look so very paternalish.


I was going to ask what you girl option was going to be, so I'm glad you beat me to it. Great name. What's the significance of Erin/Aaron that it was your middle name choice for both? And, yes, Tessa is a beautiful name.

By the way, I would've been Derek if I was a boy. But I don't really think I'm a Derek, you know... especially with those child-bearing hips. It had to be a "D" name b/c, being a family produced in the 1970s, we all had to have "d" names: Del, Donna, Dean, Dory & Dixie -- and of course our cat, Dexter. (Just thought I would share that embarassing bit of my family.)


We used our girl names to name our pet rats, Ruby and Celeste.

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