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Saturday, 25 March 2006



"I also briefly thought of posting the picture of Uncle Buster, seated in the cab of his welding truck, chowing down on a two-pound brick of cheese, but thought it was a little too disturbing."

Nah. No sense giving his cardiologist too much warning or he'll just want a bigger boat...


I've been reading Si, just not commenting alot. I hate when I have to type in all my personal "saved/remembered" info... How lazy is that?
I LOVE signs like these. Last week there was a Help Wanted sign in a window at an awning mfg. shop a little way from my house. The sign said "Sewers Needed". No kidding...


oohhh... cheese... yum.

I know this sounds fake, but there was a place that cooked you a hamburger, and/or allowed you to buy gasoline. Sign said, "Eat here, get gas."

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