Below is a picture that my brother (Uncle Buster) recently took of himself, shortly before he finally left Alberta's cold north for, umm, Alberta's cold south.
You'll have to excuse his antics. For the duration of the past few winters, he's gone up in December through to March, coming south only a few times over the season to remind himself that there is more to fashion than layers of fleece under his Carhartt coveralls, and that there are some spots in this country where the ratio of men to women isn't quite as unfairly high as it is up there.
Given the huge tracts of land with which my wife this country is blessed, there's plenty of hunting that goes on during the appropriate seasons round here. And, ostensibly, arguably less in the off-season. Quad-ridin' red necks with rifle cases and dead animals strapped to their vehicles are sometimes as ubiquitious as celebrity protestors at an annual baby seal clubbing.
So, due to people wanting to shoot things, and other people wanting to build things on the same land where the aforementioned shooting takes place, it behooves the latter people to post warnings for the former in order that they don't mistake the latter for being hooved.
Got it?
Ergo, many signs of a precautionary nature.
The only comment I have on the sign below is that although I'm sure it is implied, there really ought to be a comma after the word 'SHOOTING', oughtn't there??
I also briefly thought of posting the picture of Uncle Buster, seated in the cab of his welding truck, chowing down on a two-pound brick of cheese, but thought it was a little too disturbing.
"I also briefly thought of posting the picture of Uncle Buster, seated in the cab of his welding truck, chowing down on a two-pound brick of cheese, but thought it was a little too disturbing."
Nah. No sense giving his cardiologist too much warning or he'll just want a bigger boat...
Posted by: wil | Sunday, 26 March 2006 at 08:52 AM
I've been reading Si, just not commenting alot. I hate when I have to type in all my personal "saved/remembered" info... How lazy is that?
I LOVE signs like these. Last week there was a Help Wanted sign in a window at an awning mfg. shop a little way from my house. The sign said "Sewers Needed". No kidding...
Posted by: Linda | Monday, 27 March 2006 at 05:12 AM
oohhh... cheese... yum.
I know this sounds fake, but there was a place that cooked you a hamburger, and/or allowed you to buy gasoline. Sign said, "Eat here, get gas."
Posted by: Mark | Monday, 27 March 2006 at 01:56 PM