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Saturday, 04 March 2006



This is incredibly WONDERFUL. You all look radiant and Tavish (Love that name too) is absolutely adorable! I am sooooo happy for all of you. Sleep well tonight My Friend.
Give hugs and kisses xxxx oooo


OH MY DEAR GOD!!!!! I thought you had to be kidding, but no, you were not kidding, not kidding in the least! Amy is a goddess! A veritable childbirth goddess! A home birth. Beautiful. I bow down to that wife of yours. Congratulations on your new family configuration. So happy for you guys, and what a great story you'll have to tell at his wedding someday.

Yay, Tavish! (Irish?)



Congratulations guys! Dixie has been checking your blog for updates all day and was getting really anxious (I'm sure she'll leave a comment). You've given her baby fever--or at least more baby fever.

I admit with some shame that I find the title to this post almost as exciting as the news within.


Amazing! Wonderful! What a story! What a blessing that all are happy and well. What a force of nature birth is! All the best,



You're all just beautiful! Congratulations! (LOL about the Ralph Lauren towels.)


As I once heard a redneck say: Nicely did.

Now, Simon, I know from your blog that you two are do-it-yourself-ers, and I've heard of stick-to-it-iv-ness, but how sticky can you get? (nods to Daffy Duck)

Many congratulations. I understand that you can't go posting actual mailing addresses, but I'm almost inspired to send an old-fashioned Hallmark card.

Unbelievable. Remarkable. A story that, as one earlier comment stated, cannot be made up.



That's a cute youngin'.


Wow Simon, congratulations... and Tavish is a beautiful name, for a beautiful little boy. Looks like you've got 2 little heartbreakers on your hands now ;).


Well done! He's beautiful -- you all are. Thanks so much for sharing all this with the interworld.

Émilie Bee

Woah! Nice (and pretty scary, from my viewpoint) story... Delightful pictures :) Too bad for the mattress (it'll be worth reading the warranty now) but you have to admit the consolation prize is, well, priceless!

Best wishes of continuating happiness to all the family members! :)


Yes congratulations. Tavish -- very cool name. May you call him "McTavish!" with a Scottish accent all your days.

I'm so glad everyone is healthy and doing well. And I hope you all can get some rest and enjoy these first few days together. They're exhausting, but so wonderful!

And, THANK YOU for the email announcement. I seriously checked my computer probably 50 times on Saturday waiting to see the pictures and hear all the details.

And he's beautiful. Love the light hair! And tell Amy, we're all very proud of her!!!

Jim (of Brazil)

Another boy! Welcome to the club! My belated congratulations!

Being out of town, I missed out on the "semi-realtime-birth-at-home-blogging". Very exciting ... at least, the kind of "exciting" that you only really recognize as such when it's all over!


What a fantastic story... Congratulations Simon, and Amy!

the Mater

Well, I just got here this morning and am reading your blog backwards so I've now answered my previous question ... Tavish!

Tavish and Declan ... they can become a publishing company one day or soulful folksinger duo.

What a story - I see that Jenn is in awe (as I) and bow down to God and Goddess of Home Delivery. So glad to read that both mom and son came through like champs. You, on the other hand, sound a bit shaken and may take longer to recover.

That's a fine handsome dude you've produced. Congratulations!


Wow! What a story! Kudos to Amy! Simon, your family is just gorgeous. Congratulations a million times over to you :) Can't wait for more photos!


Wow! What a way to enter the world! Congrats Amy and Simon! Great job Amy, he's absolutely beautiful.


Congrats, Simon ! Now, there's a kid that knows how to arrive in style ! Glad to hear that all is well with your wife and new baby, and that Declan is excited about his role as big brother . Take care, and Enjoy .... Tina

Brad Huising

Hello Fraser Family,

I thought I would add a big hello and congrats again to your family. Amy was very brave through the entire birth ( and a very good pusher ). I am glad this was one of the stories that turns out good. Thanks again for the visit at the firehall.

cheers, Brad Huising(a very happy paramedic).

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