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Friday, 03 February 2006



Wunderful. But the third to the last verse;
"The langourous river creaks and yawns, cracking early it's winter fleece,peering out through limpid pools, whorls blinking without surcease."-is genius.


Is this a poem from your past, or a more recent work?


Mark, just extruded from my head this morning.

The fact that it's February and there is NO SNOW on the ground is particularly disconcerting, given that we should have been blanketed by the white stuff by December!

Hazel Hazel

I'll give you my snow and my winter for that matter. Lovely poem though, and the new look is nice. The pic is sweet.


Nicely done, Simon. Since I find myself grounded these days, maybe I should try my hand at describing the weather here at the moment. Something about the Santa Ana winds causing fires? I don't know. Hmmm ... maybe I should wait until the summer for inspiration? Anyway, nice piece of work you have there. Very clever. Tina

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