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Saturday, 14 January 2006



I truly believe that my husband continues to want more children because he enjoys the whole baby on chest experience. The baby is still willing to permit it for a moment or two, but all the older ones refuse. Pretty soon they'll be refusing kisses too...


What a wonderful wonderful world this would be if we could retain even a smidgen of that trust into adulthood. What freedom! And to feel that secure again in the love and protection of another. *sigh*
That "balance" thing, or the absence of it, is perpetuated, passed on from one generation to the next. By example, I think.


The tuck-the-arms move is the best. The weight of that trust hit me so hard the first time I realized it was there, I wasn't sure I was worthy. Still wonder sometimes.

Hazel Hazel

That is precious.

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