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Wednesday, 04 January 2006



Between you and all our other friends and family, e'rbody's havin' a baby up in here. We're still contemplating the wisdom of 1) putting another under our care, and 2) refer back to 1.

Just take a lesson from one of Shannon's cousins -- even if you know the magazine is empty, don't go back to the firing range until you are absolutely sure you don't still have anything in the chamber.


Take it from me, 4 is not all it's cracked up to be. I have 4 boys (2 are twins and from my husband's previous marriage that we have custody of) aged 7.5, 4, and 18 months. With the last one I told my husband that since the vasectomy did not happen after #3, there would be a tubal ligation following #4. He still (TO THIS DAY) tells me that he wants two more. I just keep reminding him that I have agreed to have more the day that HE is able to carry and birth a baby. Then he must be able to breastfeed that baby and stay home with all the kids while *I* go out and work for our keep.

I just don't think it's going to happen.

*smiles* Love your blog.


I used to think that the dumbest line that people always say on A Baby Story was "I wonder if I will have enough love for the next baby". I was always like "duh... how could you not?!" But then expecting and having Luke and thinking about having number 3 it makes you wonder how you could have the same feelings of infatuation with each one, if the next one will be as cute, etc., but you always do.

The diapering of two is not that much fun, but it's better than having one make little accidents all over the floor while you're changing 8 poopy diapers a day with a newborn. I thought (but not for very long) about having Madeline trained before Luke came along, now I just hope it will happen before #3 emerges in the next year and a half!

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