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Tuesday, 17 January 2006



So there was a reason that you're always around girls in these pictures (apologies to Stan in this case, but I thought he was a girl until I read the caption).



We also did that to our jeans. Unfortunately our "trend" seemed to last longer than a week or so. I believe we called it "pegging" our jeans. *shiver*


I remember the jeans fad but was too old to participate that time. It's due to come around again soon.
Tales of unrequited love tear me up. I just can't stand it! Have. To. Go. NOW! *wah!*


Sadly, the jeans rolling-up lasted longer in our school, too. Oh, and most of the guys wore leather Eastland boat shoes. I guess they were called topsiders, or something like that. Anyway, there was some nasty foot odor floating around, but nobody every mentioned it.

anne arkham

Hi right back!

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