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Monday, 09 January 2006



please don't pinch the baby... cheers from Crescent Beach, BC.


I love pinching baby chub. My older boy was super super skinny, so no chub. My baby has roll upon roll of chub along with cheeks so big they form jowls. So much fun to pinch.

And you describe the crying jags so well. Please continue.


Happy DeLurking Day. No Crocodile Tears on my behalf!

Claire in Calgary


Hullo there! I couldn't bear the guilt of you making that adorable little fellow on my account.

fhg hyny tungfytynt yn eh

Miss Mary says Hi too...and she want's to know if that cutie is single or not.



Of course I'm here. Oh, and I thought "crocodile tears" were fake tears, not big tears. I looked it up on wikipedia to be mean, because I'm not mean very often. Well, really just because I was curious. The term is also used to refer to large raindrops.

Don't pinch the boy.


Rolling on the floor, able to come up for breath just to post a poorly constructed sentence expressing wonderment and joy as the always thought provoking comments served up here.


Tasha Vincent

Bonjour from the French part of the country!


Only pinch him if he deserves it. :)

Dixie -- PA, Sask


Blah, blah, blah.
Just me.


Uh, not really a lurker (are you kidding? Like I could keep my mouth shut/fingers-off-the-keyboard), but here's my "Hi, Si!".

(waves hand)

Shew, close one, Dex. Sorry 'bout that, lil' buddy. Just wouldna been fair, throwing the "Cute-Off" contest that way. Might backfire on me, to boot. Some judges are a goner for a pouty lower lip on a tyke.

Alec Lynch

My parents still pinch me :(


Hi there. Thanks for the reminder about de-lurking week. I really need this.

Hazel Hazel

The only comments I can seem to manage here are how damn cute that kid is. Love the new banner....


Hey, Simon. Come here. Closer.

Wookie! Wookie! Wookie!


I barely recollected the spelling Wookiee when you brought it up. Thanks!


happy delurking week. I've come to you from "breed 'em and weep"... (what's up with THAT lately?!) Anyway, stopped in one day when you had a picture of your munchkin up and BOY is he cute!!! SO i had to keep coming back :)


You can't possibly miss us unless we go away (but no risk of that from me, m'dear).

Auntie Paula says 'It's OK Declan, bad dad go away soon'.


Just linked by way of Dixie's site. Don't think I have ever been here before but certainly didn't want to be held responsible for contributing to what some radical may consider child abuse. Not me of course, but some other radical


De-Lurking, Simon! Howdy :)


I'm reading!


De-lurking...Hi! I have been lurking here since you posted your blog address over at Bright Weavings (where I also mostly lurk). There have been many a post that have made me want to delurk, but I'd only leave some inane thing (like I'm doing now). I loved today's ode to your wife's eyes. Lovely.


Eeep! Sorry I'm late to the party (my week's been a little crazy). Hopefully the pinching hasn't commenced. Beautiful post you've got at the top.

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