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Sunday, 04 December 2005


Hazel Hazel

Your banner picture? Possibly the cutest kid I've ever seen.


You do know that Lassie wasn't born saving the day, right?


Paul, that sort of pragmatism will put a damper on my wallowing.


Ah, yes, the joys of having a kid and then still trying to tolerate pets. We had our cocker 11 years before our first (and only so far) child was born. She's taken a way-far-back seat to The Boy. In fact, she's not even in the same vehicle. Maybe she's in the turtle shell storage compartment on the luggage rack. At least you know from the Jack that it gets better when they're no longer puppies. Good luck.

Émilie B.

Ahhhh... and to say I never wanted a dog. Just goes to show how entirely right one can sometimes be. *grin* Thank you for confirming an already secure notion of mine.

Émilie - proud owner of two adult, fat and very lazy cats, who don't move a whole lot.

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