One week ago today I was waking up in Aurora, Ontario after having spent Sunday meeting and mixing with the man I asseverate as my favourite author. (Gotta use a big word there since, you know, he's an author and all. I couldn't just 'claim' that he was my favourite author. No! Far too plebeian a thing to do.)
Me and a dozen or so other of his most ardent fans enjoyed having him buy us drinks for a couple hours and then he was so gracious as to sign whatever books we foisted upon him. I am still basking in the glow of the weekend, not least because of the totally wicked people I got to meet.
For a complete synopsis of the weekend, I've already written one at his authorised site.
Meeting Guy Kay. Sweet!
Him signing some books. Double Sweet!!
Wow! I envy you! I enjoyed your account of the event. Sounds like it was lots of fun! I wonder, though, what it will be like now for you to read his next book ... now that you have met GGK personally and he is "de-mystified". Will it be the same? Or will you just keep thinking, as you read the book, that it was just a "regular guy" that wrote it?
BTW, your Debcon gang make a truly GGeeKy looking bunch! I think would have felt right at home.
Posted by: Jim | Monday, 19 December 2005 at 07:08 PM
Oh my god. You lucky lucky man. I adore Guy Gavriel Kay. Really really a lot. I envy you.
Posted by: Jenn | Tuesday, 20 December 2005 at 11:13 AM
awesome for you.
Posted by: Hazel Hazel | Tuesday, 20 December 2005 at 02:31 PM
But ... how did I not know?! Was I supposed to sense it? Was this some sort of super-secret meeting about which only the true GGK paladins are aware?
Oh wait. I suppose if I read brightweavings regularly I would probably know too, huh?
Posted by: s | Wednesday, 21 December 2005 at 07:51 AM
I hate you SO DAMN MUCH. (And I say that as a guy who's received a few personal e-mails from GGK.)
Posted by: Jaquandor | Saturday, 24 December 2005 at 08:23 AM
And, apparently, you slipped in an additional book, a certain copy of Tigana, to be signed for someone other than yourself. Thanks for your complicity.
Posted by: Paul | Wednesday, 04 January 2006 at 01:42 PM