Our company's Director of HR, a seven year veteran with the organisation, just left my office after bidding me a fond farewell, saying that he quit this morning.
Given the revolving door that seems to have been in place of late, and the uncomfortable but necessary changes that will begin implementation in the new year, I figure that I can score myself a vice presidency by late May. June, tops.
Unlimited Power!!
The bluster is merely a facade to cover the increasing uncertainty and trepidation that has begun creeping in here. I'm seriously not too worried, though. I've been asked to help implement change along with our expensive consultants. Good sign that I won't be left coveting the red Swingline stapler.
2006 is going to be a very interesting year here.
First time here SF, and I like it! Loved the story of Haggis... *LOL*
I'll be back.
Posted by: Dave | Friday, 09 December 2005 at 10:48 AM
The trick with revolving doors is making sure they don't slap you in the butt. :) Good luck!
Posted by: Walter Jeffries | Tuesday, 13 December 2005 at 07:19 AM