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Saturday, 31 December 2005



How very entertaining, I almost was there with you. Was hoping for a more detailed explanation of Boxing Day. (Americans are pretty ignorant of the concept. Only my son-in-law was able to tell me anything at all)
Glad Dex liked the REAL toy :-) You all have a Happy New Year too and I trust the boy is feeling much better.


Great nutshellization. never heard or read "propinquity" until now. If those words roll right out of you, then color me impressed.

Personally, I would have used the word "loquacious" to describe that entry, but that's just because it appeared on "It Pays to Increase Your Word Power" when I was in high school. My junior English teacher loved to photocopy that section of Reader's Digest to help us learn words. juxtapose. Man, I still love that one and use it whenever I can.

Hazel Hazel

I'm sorry, but I can't read your posts when you have pictures of that angel accompanying them. Good Lord is that a cute kid!

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