There was a time, a few years ago, when Amy and I were just starting to date, when I went to Oktoberfest in Edmonton and had to have her drive me home at 9 PM because I was a wee bit soused. And green. Suffused with cold sweats and shaking a bit.
I was in bad shape. She still married me though.
This year, I flew solo to the shin-dig (this past Saturday) since she's preggers and, well, wouldn't be having quite as much fun being surrounded by sausage-eating drunkards as she would as one of them.
I still left early this year. I didn't even get to see the headlining act: Trooper! The Black Forest Band plays polka through dinner and ends some time just before midnight when the headliners take the stage. We had finished the Elephant Dance and the band was just wrapping up when I left.
Not because I was too wobbly -- far from it -- but rather just too tired. The intervening couple years of marriage and child-rearing have set my internal clock for an earlier bed time than had previously been my habit and I was almost falling asleep.
It would seem that the T-shirt I elected to wear that night had the figures on it slightly reversed.
I'm glad you enjoyed your night out!
With baby #2 on the way, there's a good chance that you'll be leaving next year's Oktoberfest even earlier!
Posted by: Jim | Wednesday, 09 November 2005 at 03:35 AM
What, dear, is an Elephant Dance??? Inquiring minds must know!!! Penny
Posted by: Penny | Wednesday, 09 November 2005 at 04:36 PM
That pic is hilarious! Falling asleep is a risk no matter I'm doing these days.
We did Oktoberfest, way back in September, and it didn't go too great. It was 95 degrees out and the air-conditioning in the main stage tent was not working well. I ended up walking around people-watching with our two-year-old while the others enjoyed the music, the beer, and the brat. Oddly enough, I think I had the most fun.
Posted by: Mark | Friday, 11 November 2005 at 12:23 PM
As Martin Mull so eloquently put it: " Let's cut out this rock n'rollin'... Let's get married, let's go bowlin'." Tina
p.s. aren't ya glad you are out of the way of the AOL Brouhaha ?
Posted by: Tina | Thursday, 17 November 2005 at 11:44 PM