Reconfirming Foxtrot at the pinnacle of my comic preferences, right up there with Dilbert, was Sunday's colour comic.
The nice touch is the Tie Fighers on the bedspread.
And, of course, I absolutely cannot let this sort of opportunity pass me by.
I had to solve it.
Check below for my scanned copy of the completed nerd search. Er, I mean, numerical word search. I have the questions and solutions numbered so you can see which go together. I had to look up some help for the ninth one, the integration. I haven't solved an integral in over six years now. The rest were pretty straightforward.
That's hilarious!
I haven't solved an integral in about 18 years ... actually, not since I switched majors from physics to archaeology in my third year of college.
These days, I get along well with math ... that is, any math problem that can be solved with a calculator or an Excel spreadsheet!
Posted by: Jim | Monday, 07 November 2005 at 10:18 AM
OMG, I thought I was hot stuff because I do Cryptoquips and can finish a Sunday New York Times Crossword once in awhile...
I haven't solved an integral in, let me see, um..., EVER because I never saw one before. But I'm very curious now. Did I mention that I was born on Albert Einstein's birthday? Like that would help. What are those Greek symbols? If it's Calculus, I flunked out in high school.
Posted by: JuJu's Mom | Monday, 07 November 2005 at 03:44 PM
The title is just a geeky way of writing, "Unleash the inner geek".
And yeah, the symbols in the actual comic are largely from calculus. Mathematics in general.
Posted by: Simon | Monday, 07 November 2005 at 04:46 PM
Good Lord Si, 1/4 X ^4 was a stretch for you?
Thank goodness it wasn't dx dy. You sadden the math gods.
Posted by: James Graham | Thursday, 10 November 2005 at 02:47 PM