My poor, sweet wife.
A couple weeks ago we returned home from being 'out'.
I have no idea where we were and it has no bearing on this particular post, but it irks me a little that my short term memory is soon to be surpassed by that of the average mayfly.
But anyway, when we got back home from wherever it was that we were, I was first to field the single message on our voicemail. It was a strange fellow telling Amy that her package from Dell had just been sent and she should expect it to arrive within a couple days pending a return phone call from her to verify. I passed her the phone, saying the message was for her.
I tried to feign ignorance, claiming a rather thick accent on the part of the message leaver. Could she make any sense of it?
She tried to feign incredulity at, perhaps, a wrong number?
We both would fain have had her pick up the phone first.
My birthday / Christmas surprise had just been a little sullied. And it's been in three boxes stashed in the basement for a couple weeks now. Until last night.
I put the boy to bed, strove hard to resist the urge to watch more of the behind the scenes DVD that I got with my Sith purchase of a few days ago (still about 3-4 hours of stuff to wade through, the deleted scenes were way cool), and went downstairs; first to clean up the mess that passes for Computer Junction in our basement, second to disassemble our existing machine, and finally to unpack and assemble the new computer.
Our old machine predates my marriage by five years, going back almost to the beginning of my last long-term relationship. It had a Pentium (no suffix) processor and still (barely) ran Windows98. I bought it in 1997 when Windows98 was, you know, it.
The new unit has a 17" flat-screen monitor, USB ports coming out of everywhere and runs slicker than snot through a chrome nostril. It even came with a sub-woofer for the speaker setup! I got bass, baby!
Before intercepting that ill-timed message on our phone, I NEVER would have guessed that my wife would have bought (with the help of several family members) a new computer for us.
She totally rox.
That's one cool mamasita you have there! Now if I can just get my lady off the computer I built!
Posted by: Mark | Friday, 11 November 2005 at 12:27 PM
The only thing better would be if she had gotten you a Mac.
Oh my God, I'm talking like one of those rabid Apple people. It's happened. The husband said it would happen. Little black apples instead of pupils.
Can't believe your baby is just three months away!
Posted by: Jenn | Friday, 18 November 2005 at 08:01 PM