I took Dex grocery shopping with me last night since he hadn't been out of the house all day and it gave Amy a bit of a breather. She's had two kids every day between 7 & 5.30 what with the little girl she watches being dropped off early all week.
Neat thing in the grocery store: I dropped off Amy's prescription to be filled for heartburn and the gal behind the counter looked at the last name on the paper.
"Fraser? Simon Fraser?"
"Yup." (I love the easy questions.)
"I went to China with you in, like, junior high!"
Turns out she also married one of my university classmates. VERY small world.
As we were pushing the cart through the check-out, waiting for the woman in front of us, my eyes were drawn to the magasine rack right beside us. There was a bright yellow cover that immediately drew my eye. One of the ubiquitous Dummies books. I immediately started to laugh out loud.
The title?
Astrology for Dummies
"Boy, is that a redundant title," I said to myself.
Second time I'm visiting. Just so happens I love coincidences, they make life oh-so-interesting. Almost hate to tell you this but I will under the shroud of anonymity- I bought Astrology for Dummies and, even though I consider myself fairly intelligent, couldn't understand the da** thing! Do tell, what do you have against astrology (or astrologists)???
Posted by: Linda | Friday, 21 October 2005 at 08:20 PM
Snickering at the Dummies book!!! Penny
Posted by: Penny | Saturday, 22 October 2005 at 11:06 AM