Several of the websites I visit daily, either directly or via RSS feed, provide handy tips and tricks for increasing productivity, saving money or just providing information that I think is really neat.
Some examples of those sites are:
Tricks of the Trade
Deeper Motive
Slacker Manager
43 Folders
(The irony in my posting this is that this is one of the least efficient things I could possibly be doing at work right now...)
To date, I have been at a bit of a loss to capture the information I find on those, and other, sites in order to reference at a future date. I like to stay as organised as possible and a variety of TXT files floating around in myDocuments on my PC just hasn't been cutting it.
Just this week I discovered pbWiki, which is the answer to all my miscellaneous data-conglomeration needs.
Now, when I find an article, a tip, a quote, a joke or anything nett-ish that tickles my fancy, I just copy and paste into the appropriate section of my wiki so I can view it again later.
After two days of fiddlin', I have some of my stuff categorised into:
-Writing tips
-Neat Science info
-Funny Stuff
-Draft Blog Posts (This is VERY handy)
-Productivity / Efficiency tips (ie - don't do what I'm doing right now)
-Money tips
-Words of the day (so I can write stuff like 'expatiate' and know what I'm talkin' about)
The kicker is that it's totally FREE. (My favourite word these days, next to 'boobies'.) And it's called pbWiki since they purport that it's easier to put together than a PB & J sandwich. And it is. Dead simple. And free. And it's fun just to say wiki.
wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki
Here's a shot of the frontpage of my wiki so far. They're private by default so whatever you include there is (mostly) safe from prying eyes unless you want to open it up.
Hey, that pbWiki is exactly what I've been needing. Right now, when I'm at work and I think of things/hear things that I want to refer to later, or when someone sends me a funny link, I e-mail them to my gmail account, where they inevitably get buried and I invariably never look at them again.
Posted by: Mark | Thursday, 13 October 2005 at 10:53 PM