Wisdom can leap out at you from the least expected places.
This Sunday morning I was walking both dogs to the local Blockbuster to return a DVD rental. (Kinsey, which, by the by, is an excellent flick. Though it was a little unnerving to see Liam Neeson, described by my wife as the Man's Man, locked in a passionate embrace with another, er, man. This later sparked discussion betwixt me and she regarding whether or not I would also deign to lock lips with a fella in a movie. I replied in the affirmative, so long as the motivation and, of course, the money were right. The risk is currently not that great, given my current status as an un-superstar.)
So we were walking -- it's just over an hour round trip -- and chanced by a leather-clad Harley-Davidson owner, standing beside his bike, locked in conversation with some Joe Normal just outside a mall entrance.
Harley Guy: Marriage and relationships are totally about giving of yourself, man. All that other stuff is just bullshit.
You've got to wonder just HOW that conversation got started! And thanks for the heads-up - I'll be watching out for leaping wisdom myself.
Posted by: Paula | Tuesday, 27 September 2005 at 08:11 AM