Today, the 29th of September 2005, a seemingly inauspicious day by all accounts, marks the first anniversary of my entrance into the blogging world. (Yay me!)
So where do I sit?
16,304 visitors to this site up to midnight last night. **waves hi!**
440 posts. (This is now my 441st.)
575 comments. (Insert Sally Field reference here.)
I aim to continue steering this blog on a more personal course. (Not so much with the current affairs unless I feel a desperate need to opine, and a bare minimum of linking unless there's an overwhelming NEAT factor that simply must be shared; you can go to BoingBoing for that.) There are a number of things I'd like to express here that I still haven't. Whether it's gussying up the courage to say something or finding the right way to say it, there are a few pokers I have in the fire that need their time under the hammer yet.
Until then, I've compiled a list of some of my favourites from the past year. They may not necessarily be your favourites, but considering that I cater to countless tens of fans, somebody's bound to get something out of some of them. And I sometimes just like making lists. And using 'some-' words too often in a single paragraph.
I love you all. Even that fcuker in Calgary who comes here, like, five times a day and NEVER leaves a comment.
Anyway, here's the list:
Simon says
My very first post.
Very underwhelming.
Sufferin' Succotash
On the death of my first pet, who was hand-delivered by Santa on Christmas eve.
Canadians & Americans
Just to embarrass my mother and to bring international relations into perspective.
What does an engineer do when he's bored?
That which would bore most normal people.
O brother, where art thou?
I think this is my favourite post to date.
Where angels fear to tread
When you tell your wife you're going to be home at a certain time after a poker night with The Boys, it's best to be home AT THAT TIME! (And it does't matter if you're up over a hundred bucks on the night; she simply won't care about that aspect of it. Chicks are weird that way.)
A random act of Christmas
Some guy buys me a drink for being a good dad.
And he wasn't gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Matter will always matter
On atheism and raising children.
Things I've learned from my son
Self explanatory.
Plumbing the depths
Wherein Simon answers five questions and reveals certain things about strippers, Star Wars, Stephen Donaldson and a strange ambivalence about Manitoba.
Why I'm increasingly fond of my son
Again, pretty self explanatory.
E = mc2 (geek post alert)
Wherein I calculate the total destructive power of my wedding ring.
Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!
I get a little late-night visit from the fire department.
The one that got away
Fond memories of going fishing with my dad.
Personal finance 101
Please learn from my own credit card fiasco.
I beg you.
This day Jek Porkins dies
An incredibly loquacious, garrulous, possibly embellished and wordy way to say that I got my wife pregnant.
Lots of circumlocution.
25 things
I answer 25 questions I normally wouldn't.
Random letter to son
Yet again, the title explains itself.
Mislike my not for my complexion
I hate racism. Can't fcukin' stand it.
Two years of bliss
A letter to my wife on our second anniversary.
An affable veneer
Simon, like, totally snaps!
Jivin' with Jehovah
A totally fake conversation with God.
Or is it?
(I think I'll do more of these. It's way fun.)
Thanks, Jack
The plight of others can quite often bring one's own family into perspective.
Love 'em while you've got 'em.
I remember doing the underduck
Enjoy the little things that make up your life.
Like swinging on the swings.
Foetus 2.0, First Trimester Report
The first three months of Amy's second pregnancy.
Where, apparently, I am also rather hard done by.
You know I'm a huge fan...and of your blog too :) Congratulations!
Posted by: Paula | Thursday, 29 September 2005 at 11:50 AM
Hey congrats! I look forward to perusing through the best of the best of Simian Farmer. I'm so glad A+ Child Development called and harassed me one summer day, the result of which was finding your blog. The Fates were indeed at work.
Incidentally I've been thinking of putting in my sidebar a link to some "Classic Dixie" so new readers could see some of my favourite posts, but that may be a bit too self-righteous. So I may have to copy you on my year anniversary (though that's next May) or on my 100th post. We'll see...
Posted by: Dixie | Thursday, 29 September 2005 at 03:54 PM
Jivin with Jehovah is one of my all time faves ever, on any blog!!! Now stop staring into the mirror and write some of the angsty, poignanty, self-evolvoly stuff we are waiting for!!! Congrats!!!
Posted by: Penny | Thursday, 29 September 2005 at 09:05 PM
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: fv | Thursday, 29 September 2005 at 10:06 PM
Congratulations, my friend! I'd buy you a beer and a pack of Peak Freans if I were close by. But consider this the cyberversion of said items. So glad you're out there.
Posted by: Jenn | Friday, 30 September 2005 at 10:56 AM
The happiest of anniversaries to you ! Keep on writing .... I'll keep on reading, Tina
Posted by: Tina | Friday, 30 September 2005 at 09:19 PM