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Thursday, 29 September 2005



You know I'm a huge fan...and of your blog too :) Congratulations!


Hey congrats! I look forward to perusing through the best of the best of Simian Farmer. I'm so glad A+ Child Development called and harassed me one summer day, the result of which was finding your blog. The Fates were indeed at work.

Incidentally I've been thinking of putting in my sidebar a link to some "Classic Dixie" so new readers could see some of my favourite posts, but that may be a bit too self-righteous. So I may have to copy you on my year anniversary (though that's next May) or on my 100th post. We'll see...


Jivin with Jehovah is one of my all time faves ever, on any blog!!! Now stop staring into the mirror and write some of the angsty, poignanty, self-evolvoly stuff we are waiting for!!! Congrats!!!


Keep up the good work!


Congratulations, my friend! I'd buy you a beer and a pack of Peak Freans if I were close by. But consider this the cyberversion of said items. So glad you're out there.


The happiest of anniversaries to you ! Keep on writing .... I'll keep on reading, Tina

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