Up at five AM again this morning, like the rest of the week, since work is effin' crazy biz-eee and I was on my laptop at the kitchen table last night until just after midnight. (You know, after that whole garage sale thing.)
Well OK, I was actually up at 5:23 AM after setting the clock for five oh five and hitting snooze twice since the dogs (read: the puppy) kept crawling up the foot of the bed as unobtrusively as possible yet still stepped on my ankles and woke me and forced my heavy hand to body slam her back into her doggie bed and I just wanted to steal ONE MORE MINUTE of sleep. She'll be getting the suplex and the figure-four leg lock next time.
So, plodding my way through a rather narcoleptic afternoon, you will please excuse me if at first I thought I saw a mirage (or a hallucination brought on by eating my body weight in Dairy Queen Blizzard last night) when, just after getting out of an afternoon meeting, there was a knock at my office door and in strolled three smiling youngsters sporting matching outfits and toting huge candy trays of the sort you see Carnies use to hawk peanuts and cotton candy at the county fair. (I've never actually been to a county fair, but I've heard tell that's the way of it.) Only now, the mirage, for so I still thought it to be, spoke to me and asked if I wanted a free helping of Pralines 'n' Cream or ROLO ice cream, courtesy of one of The Company's suppliers.
They stood there waiting for my answer, smiling and blinking in unison.
Shaking the fog from my head and with my gaze flitting between a trio of smiling faces and literally dozens of generous servings of ice creamy goodness, all I could think to utter was,
"Uh, Rolo?"
Handing me my desired treat, the coterie of creamy cohorts wished me well and marched double-time to the next office in line, exhorting its occupant to make the same choice I just did. Only then did I realise it must not have been a mirage.
So now I sit, with the last few miniature rolo bits swimming in a viscous sea of caramel ambrosia in a plastic cup beside my computer.
Thank you Ice Cream Fairy! I'll never stop believing in you!