I so totally rock.
Job interview lasted for just over an hour this afternoon. Me versus the HR gal at the construction company. One on one. I was dressed business casual and exuded an air of confidence and competence. (Compfitence?) Thankfully, I'd taken care of all other requisite exuding before leaving for the interview.
Though I was a little nervous and found a butterfly in my gut, I had an intelligent (sounding) response for everything she cast at me. It was only an initial screening interview to see if I am worthy to pass along to the next step. I am. She out-and-out told me that I sound like a great fit for the company, it's just a matter of where.
It was intimated that the spot I would be considered for is the same one I assumed it would be after my modicum of investigation. Could be good. I gave her a fairly wide range in terms of my compensatory expectations. If this continues to progress positively, they better hit the high end of that range. I'm a greedy materialistic rat bastard that way. And I don't even care that I didn't use any commas in that last sentence.
This is going to be a relatively uncertain month for me it seems. Busy as all heck with where I am and considering opportunities elsewhere. Being a very loyal fellow to begin with, I'm also moderately guilt-ridden at considering my options. This is, of course, directly at odds with the rat-bastardy mentioned above. My family and I do come first, after all.
And always will.
Ultimately, I really would like to stay where I am. But complacency can breed contempt and disgruntlement which will (dare I say 'has'?) bleed invariably into my home life. An affliction which must be purged, at all costs, from my haven.
Kinda tough, isn't it? I remember my husband going back and forth over these decisions. His job changes usually involved a move,though, so alot was at stake ( for BOTH of us ! ). Hopefully, you don't have to think about doing that. Good luck to ya ... Tina
Posted by: Tina | Friday, 08 July 2005 at 05:20 PM
It is indeed tough, Tina. Doing something other than what has been the norm for the past six years can be a little scary. I'm still just in the preliminary stages right now, but I'm both excited and nervous about where I may end up.
Posted by: Simon | Saturday, 09 July 2005 at 06:18 AM
It bothers me that you failed to use commas in that sentence. I think it's the first sign of complacency, but I will temper that with the fact that you DO indeed "so rock." :)
Posted by: Penny | Saturday, 09 July 2005 at 07:48 AM