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Monday, 11 July 2005



I can so see him there, face buried in kibble, while a distraught little dog prances and whines.


When my kids were younger, I went by the "Roseanne" method of evaluating my parenting skills: If my husband walked in the door at 5, and the kids were still alive, well...... I done my job.


Hmmm. I'll probably just start a whole new blog dedicated to my parental follies.


Oh! Our first daughter was caught gnawing on the dog's rawhide bone, and I very recently found our second eating handfuls of cat food at the home of a playdate host. I think it just toughens their tummies for a lifetime of sushi and booze.

P.S. I agree with Tina (and Roseanne).

P.P.S. I love your blog. It's wicked fun to see the papa perspective!

P.P.P.S. My husband's a Calgarian. Good souls hail from there, eh?

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