I've been looking forward to this week for a very long time. It will be a week long remembered. I must fully masticate and digest each and every day as it comes.
Monday - Couple cups of coffee. Work as usual. Enjoy warm, sunny weather. Play with boy in evening while Missus does some weeding. Perhaps have some barbequed animal flesh for dinner.
Tuesday - Maybe a cup of coffee. The calm before the storm. Work 'almost' as usual. Weather should be even better than Monday. Doing a weight routine in the morning; want to be able to squeeze a lemon dry with my pecs by the end of summer. (Well, maybe not quite.) Ensure work is lined up and organised for the rest of the month.
Wednesday - Bounce out of bed at 5 AM. 10-k run at the gym. Check RSS feeds at work first thing in the morning. Go through the motions of looking productive. Check The Force dot Net. Check Star Wars dot Com. Day dream of light sabres. Get off work. Go home. Kiss wife and boy-child. Pet dog. Run screaming out the front door, jump in the truck and drive off to stand for a few hours in line at South Edmonton Common to go see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith at the 12:01 AM showing. Come home emotionally spent.
Thursday - Sleep in. Spurn the gym. Arrive at work with a blissful smile on my face. Fiddle faddle fuddle for the day. I'll do my best to ensure all is in readiness to run on autopilot for the next couple weeks. Mostly. I know I'll still be working via Email and cell phone while I'm away, though. Go home. Finish packing. Who am I kidding. Start packing. Then finish packing. Eat and go to bed early.
Friday - Get up early. Go to airport. Leavin' on a jet plane just after 7 AM. Holidays for two weeks!!!