The inexorable process of cleaning the Fraser household in order to welcome in a new summer season is plodding along with the perseverence of a virgin at the prom. There's no stopping us!
The problem being that we have a 2-hour window between the boy's bedtime and when we feel the need to seek the warm embrace of the down-filled duvet ourselves. (My wife still insists on turning on the electric blanket, and here it is the end of April!) Plus whatever we can get done on the weekends. I normally work at least a half-day most of the time and that darned kid of ours keeps getting under foot. (My wife and I both last night mentioned how we're looking forward to the time, several years hence, when we can arbitrarily assign labour to our children and kick back and govern with a beer in one hand and a cat-o-nine-tails in the other. Scrub harder or there'll be no broth before bed!!)
Last night started innocently enough. I put the boy to bed and my brunette beauty was doing the dishes. As she was putting mugs away she realised how cluttered some of the cupboards were. Well, we'll just have to get rid of some of these cups and reorganise.
And there were too many cookbooks above the fridge. And the spice cupboard had THREE bottles of soya sauce. (What do you need all these for, Simon?!) And there was a Harry Potter popcorn bucket in the back of one. She, uh, was rathe insistent on keeping it. Argue about that, I did not.
Then we ripped down a few shelves in our pantry, which had just been nailed up haphazardly with baseboards as supports by some previous owner, to make room for more important items. Which meant getting rid of other stuff. How did we determine which to keep and which to toss?
"Anything that's older than our relationship gets the boot, Hon. How 'bout that?"
Sounded good to me, so that's what we did.
It was past 10.30 by the time we called it done. Now we just have to clean and re-paint the interior of the pantry and the kitchen can be stamped DONE.
And with the boy's birthday pending less than two weeks away, we're going to send in a picture of his royal cuteness to one of the local TV stations so they can show it during their morning newscast. It's called the A-Channel Big Breakfast.
So here's the picture I'll be Emailing in later today with the following caption:
On Declan's First Birthday:
Happy birthday from the Fraser, Farley, Karges & Tkachuk families.
May the 4th be with you!!