This is going to be a very strange afternoon.
I'm meeting with our HR manager at 11 AM today to discuss the meeting the two of us are then going to have with the gentleman that's been working for me in a given role for the past few months. He's not been working out nearly as well as what I had hoped and he's being let go today.
It's been feeling rather strange since I've known about this for several weeks and have been carrying on daily business with him while at the same time carrying around the knowledge that, someday soon, I'm going to fire him. That day is today. His replacement starts for me on Monday.
I chalk up the failure to a good selling job he did of himself in the interview combined with a position that needed filling which created a sense of urgency in myself that was willing to overlook certain gaping holes in his ability. I won't be making that mistake again.
Too bad the lesson had to come at the expense of someone else's job. I take small comfort in the fact that he's semi-retired and just wanted to work, mostly, to get out of the house and DO something. He's more than old enough to be my father.
There's a discussion in there of the Baby Boomers now being employed by the Gen Xers and the relationships that are coming about as a result. I'm not going to have that discussion right now though. A little too awkward to wax introspective at this point...