Though he's only ten months old, I've already learned a great number of things from my baby boy. I can only hope that, over the course of years, I will be able to instill in him that for which he will eventually be thankful.
Here's some of what I've learned:
- An afternoon nap can do wonders for your demeanour for the rest of the day.
- When you're upset, have a good cry and get it out of your system completely. Everything's OK then.
- ANYTHING can be a toy.
- A smile has infinitely more power to woo than a tantrum.
- Sometimes it just feels good to bite stuff.
- Singing for no particular reason at all is quite often more that reason enough.
- A penis is a wonderful thing to play with at every reasonable opportunity.
- When you don't get what you want, it's OK to want something else.
- There is absolutely no such thing as failure. There is only not-success. Yet.
- Determination will get you just about anywhere. But if it doesn't get you there, it'll get you a lot closer than you were before.
- A big hug from someone who loves you will make all superficial woes completely disappear.
- The family dog will gratefully accept whatever loving abuses you want to hand out and always come back for more.
- When you see someone you know, smile at them. If you haven't seen them in a while, make that a smile, a laugh and reach out with your arms for a big hug. Sometimes 'a while' is only five minutes.
- It's very easy to make new friends. Just go up to them and start playing.
- Admiring yourself in the mirror is good for your ego. Plus it's a great place to practise your smile.
- Being curious about the stuff you don't know is the best way to learn about it.
That's certainly not an exhaustive list since it's being added to almost daily at this point. Even more than my own learning, I'm utterly amazed by the rate at which my son is taking in new things and adapting to this strange new world he's been thrust into.
So jealous...
Is it June yet?
Posted by: fv | Wednesday, 02 March 2005 at 10:27 AM
It was a lot more work than fun for the first six months or so, but after that the fun started to gain a whole heap o' headway.
Posted by: Simon | Wednesday, 02 March 2005 at 10:42 AM