Now, I've only been blogging for about six months, so please excuse the fact that I'm a little excited about a technology that will be old hat to many. Just this week I signed up for a free account on bloglines. All the recent updates of my favourite websites collected in one spot. No more clicking through fifteen or twenty of my 'Favorites' a couple times a day. Heck, my surfing time has been cut in half. At least. (That is, for those sites that have RSS feeds - Really Simple Syndication.)
There are still a small handful of sites I regularly visit that don't supply RSS feeds, but most of my regulars do. Mock me for my ignorance if you will, but that's just darned handy!
Oh, and I also just got myself a Gmail account as well. (See the revised e-mail me link just below the page banner.) I'm gonna slowly convert most of my personal stuff to that account (pending final Simian Farmer approval) and keep my work e-mail reserved, mostly, for work. The account comes with 50 invites to send to friends to get their own account. So if you are reading this and you'd like one, let me know. And if I deign to bequeath one upon you, guess what? That means you're my friend! Ain't that swell?
I tried to use bloglines but found it cumbersome. If you are using Firefox (which you should be), try Sage. No logging in, no site to visit. Just Alt-S, click, done.
Posted by: fv | Friday, 04 March 2005 at 11:50 AM
Yes, I should be. Problem is that the software installed on our work computers is regulated. And I use my P.O.S. at home so rarely that it's not worth it.
Posted by: Simon | Friday, 04 March 2005 at 03:25 PM