Another milestone reached in my life; and a fairly significant one at that. Back in December I turned 30. Yeah, well, that's great, but that's not nearly as poignant as what I received this morning to mark that occasion: my 30 Card.
I'm the dozenth inductee into this rather elite fraternity, having been dubbed The Funktastic 30 Crew, and feel dubiously honoured to have been chosen. If interested, you can check out the rest of the Crew over at Todd's site.
Thanks Andy. You've got mad skills. Which makes them 'skillz'. Your omnipresent woolen touque conceals a heart of gold. Or, I guess that would be a head of gold. But that doesn't sound as good, and would be too heavy for your neck to lift. So that would make it a heart of gold and a head of... what... stuff? But not just any stuff. The kind of stuff that's rare. Like what you find in Mr. Bean's teddy bear. Just not as soft or airy. Trust me though, it's good 'stuff'. I'd pay for it on the street if they sold on seedy downtown corners. But I'd have to cut it with something less pure or I'd be overwhelmed. Good stuff. YEAH!!