Tomorrow is Valentine's day. To me, a rather pointless and forced day kept alive by flower stores and Hallmark for the sake of a day's glut of income. Mostly. I am planning to do something nice for my wife though; but a part of me is feeling forced into it for the simple fact that, well, it's Valentine's Day!! (I have one particular BAD experience I will always associate with the date, so call me a little jaded.)
On the plus side, Amy baked me a rather large batch of chocolate chip cookies with - get this - chocolate mints baked into the centre of each! YUM!! She gave them to me early since she made them yesterday morning while I was at work. Please pardon me, but I'm feeling a little bloated today; yet somehow completely guilt-free.
And courtesy of a little website I visit every now and again, a small parting gift from me to all of you.
Ha I had forgotton about Zefrank, that was excellent. I'll go play his memory game now. Why did you take it off your links? And the George R martin sight as well. Pick it up!
Posted by: James | Tuesday, 15 February 2005 at 10:45 AM
Just for you James, I'll add a few more links for perusing...
Posted by: Simon | Tuesday, 15 February 2005 at 11:19 AM