There are very few panel comics that I have ever made a real habit to read on any sort of regular basis. Quality is hard to come by. That's why, when a really good one comes along, it really stands out.
My favourite ever is Calvin and Hobbes. A close second is Dilbert.
Dilbert because it speaks to the omnipresent culture of repression, and more especially the apathetic acceptance of same, of the office environnment. This is the same reason why I so love the movie, Office Space.
A couple favourite examples:
And a couple of my favourite Calvin and Hobbes. I love this comic the most due to the fact that Bill Watterson never scrimped on the quality of the art that he incorporated into his work and he clung to the infinite imagination, free spirit and sense of optimism that makes me want to be a kid again.
Honourable mention goes to For Better or for Worse. I'm sometimes amazed at how well I can relate to the real life predicaments of that family. Or perhaps not really all that surprised.
Bloom County!
Posted by: Paul | Sunday, 21 November 2004 at 10:37 AM
Speaking of comics (and keeping up with my posting of links with my comments), I came across an online comic called "Ctrl+Alt+Del" a few months back. It's done by someone who is clearly obsessed with video games and some of his comics about the joys of being a 'gamer' are quite good.
Posted by: Mark Stedman | Sunday, 21 November 2004 at 11:45 AM
I love the fact that the +1 shirt they sell on that site is stackable with the +1 ball cap. And no encumbrance!! Woot!
Good call on Bloom, Paul. Opus is a hero of mine... of sorts.
Posted by: Simon | Sunday, 21 November 2004 at 03:32 PM