If you look right below this post, you'll see the one I made regarding the full lunar eclipse that took place last night. In Edmonton and area, it was a beautifully clear night, so it was ripe for moon viewing. I took several trips out to the backyard between 7 and 10pm to get my eyes full of the last lunar eclipse before 2007. I even took some pictures. I was gonna make up a new photo album and post them in there for all and sundry to see, but the quality of the shots isn't on par for archiving them for any length of time.
Instead, here are some of the pics I took that I smallified for insertion into this post. My camera has a 2X optical zoom which can be increased to 3X via digital zoom. You get a better closeup at 3X, but at the cost of picture quality. I haven't done any searching, but I know there are much better pics out there on the net than these. Anyway, enjoy.